Ready to awaken?

Enter the Witness

There is Nowhere Else
Book I

There is Nowhere Else Book III, Part 2

Reference Point

Way of the Witness

There is Nowhere Else
Book II

There is Nowhere Else Book III, Part 1
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Courting Invisibility
Workbook I

About the writing...

Current trends in the 'search for meaning,' appear to be leading us in the direction of a more personal relationship with the divine. We readily detect the presence and influence of something more in our lives, but often feel reluctant to follow in the ways of established tradition. In choosing to make the search more personal, we are essentially asking that it be tailored to our own, individual needs.
Your requests have been carefully noted by The Gathering and matters pertaining to their effective resolution are presently underway...
Accessible in both style and content, the writing presents its readers with approaches that offer as alternatives to the predictable.
I hope your experiences prove both meaningful and satisfying.
The Relative Future...
Stay tuned for the release of my next book:
There is Nowhere Else - Book III, Part 3 Expressions of Value (continued)
Cover art by Karen Ziegler-Hartman